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35 And you[a] must stay at the entrance to[b] the tent of assembly day and night for seven days, and you[c] shall keep the obligation from[d] Yahweh, so you[e] might not die, for thus I have been commanded.” 36 So[f] Aaron and his sons did all the things that Yahweh had commanded through[g] Moses.

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  1. Leviticus 8:35 Plural
  2. Leviticus 8:35 Or “of”
  3. Leviticus 8:35 Plural
  4. Leviticus 8:35 Or “of”
  5. Leviticus 8:35 Plural
  6. Leviticus 8:36 Or “And”
  7. Leviticus 8:36 Literally “by the hand of”